4 benefits CBD has on our bodies

CBD and our bodies

While we’re all still on a journey to find out what CBD can really do for our bodies, we’ve created a summary of 4 benefits you might not have known about CBD so far.

1. CBD and types of anxiety 

Whether it’s a personal experience or medical studies/research you’ve read about, it’s showing that a daily routine with full-spectrum CBD oil can be used for treating anxiety, as well as reducing your body’s natural stress response and hormones. CBD oil can act on the receptors in the brain that produce serotonin and anandamide (aka, the ‘bliss’ molecule) – neurotransmitters that help with things like regulating social behaviour and mood, motivation and happiness.

One 2010 study on those suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD) found their symptoms reduced when they received a dose of 400mg of CBD. Another 2011 study on patients with SAD showed a significant reduction in anxiety levels, cognitive impairment and discomfort speaking in social settings when they received a 600mg dose of CBD an hour and a half before taking part in a stress-triggering exercise.*

There’s also suggestions CBD could help those suffering from PTSD, as a 2019 study with 11 patients found that ‘91% experienced a decrease in PTSD symptom severity’.

Like a thermostat, CBD should kick in right when you need it, ideally bringing you back into balance. The result is a life hopefully filled with more joy, relaxation and way less stress.

*These studies are investigating the results of CBD isolate v a full-spectrum hemp extract. It claims that a full-spectrum extract is more effective than an isolate, which requires less mg per dose.

2. CBD’s effect on pain, inflammation and health conditions

As well as offering stronger antioxidant benefits than vitamins E and C, CBD is possibly an effective method for treating and managing pain

The body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that helps with things like pain response, the immune system, appetite and sleep. The body also naturally produces neurotransmitters called ‘endocannabinoids’ that bind to the cannabinoid receptors within the nervous system. When CBD is used, it may help to reduce cases of chronic pain by impacting the receptor activity, which will reduce inflammation by interacting with the neurotransmitters.

Research into this has shown how CBD could help with numerous health conditions like:

Arthritis: A 2015 study showed that mice given topical CBD for arthritis had significantly less inflammation and pain signals after only four days, without any side effects.

High blood pressure: One study showed that through a small amount of CBD, it reduced stress-related high blood pressure associated with increased heart rate. This could minimise the risks of a stroke or a heart problem that high blood pressure can cause.

Symptoms of cancer treatment: Because of CBD’s anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties, more research is emerging that supports its ability to treat an array of symptoms related to cancer treatment, like pain and nausea. A study from 2009 found that taking THC:CBD extract alongside opioids like morphine worked well for cancer patients’ pain if they weren’t finding full relief.

Huntington’s disease: Cannabinoids may have neuroprotective properties, or in other words, help the brain recover and regenerate. One study showed that CBG (cannabigerol) improved motor deficits in mice with Huntington’s disease, which could be critical to understanding the impact of cannabinoid supplements on brain health in humans.

While research has shown progression on how CBD could help with particular health conditions, there’s also studies currently underway to figure out how CBD will help with conditions like multiple sclerosis

3. CBD does NOT make you high

While CBD is derived from cannabis, it doesn’t make you high. 

A commonly asked question is, “What makes you high?”, and this is the cannabinoid, ‘THC’, known as the most common psychoactive compound. 

Even though THC and CBD share nearly the exact same formula, one critical difference in their molecular structure gives each compound unique medicinal properties. THC has a ‘cyclic ring’ while CBD has a ‘hydroxyl group’ – and this one difference is why THC will get you high and CBD won’t. In fact, CBD may moderate THC’s effects by alleviating stress and anxiety.

4. CBD and your skin

CBD and some of the other secondary cannabinoids are showing promise for improving a variety of skin conditions. According to a study on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the skin, CBD could help normalise unwanted skin cell growth, sebum production and skin inflammation.

One study claimed ‘CBD has potential as a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of acne’. According to the NHS, 95% of young people are affected by acne, which is caused by our body producing too much sebum oil. But CBD can help control the amount of sebum oil our body makes and reduce inflammation of the sebaceous glands where it comes from.

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