Looking after yourself during self-isolation

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On 24 September, the government released its contact-tracing app for England and Wales to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The app tells you if you’ve been around someone who’s tested positive, and will send you a notification to self-isolate for 14 days.

As much as we all want to control the spread of COVID-19, the idea of self-isolating for 14 days can be daunting for many of us, so we’ve put together a list of ways to look after yourself during your fortnight indoors. 

Stay in a routine

If you’re not working from home, staying in a routine can be hard, but it’s a great way to look after yourself and keep your day in some sort of structure. That could be by setting an alarm, getting dressed or having three square meals a day. 

Keep in touch

Whether that’s a simple text, phone call or FaceTime, keeping in touch with friends and family is one of the best ways to boost morale. Why not give yourself something to look forward to for the week and organise a time when you can chat with friends or a family member?

Set yourself daily goals

No matter how big or small, a goal is still a goal. You could try taking yourself away from social media or not watching TV for a few hours every day. The current climate we’re living in can take its toll in more ways than we’ll ever know. But by the end of your 14-day isolation, you’ll have had 28 hours less screen time – and that’s something to be proud of.

Get physical

Exercise releases endorphins and boosts our energy, and while being housebound, you won’t get the exercise or daily steps in like you were. A simple search on YouTube and you’ll find endless amounts of workout videos. Stress can also be a huge factor during this time, so why not even try some yoga or meditation? 

Get quizzicle

Remember quiz nights on Zoom? Even if your friends and family aren’t self-isolating, they’ll want to check in and make sure you’re okay. So, why not organise a quiz for one or two nights a week? You could even be the quizmaster, which can take up a day putting together itself. 

Try something new

While it’s good to keep a routine, why not try something new? You could try baking with the kids, learn something through an online course or create something new for the walls and give painting a go. 

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