Lockdown tips 2.0


We’re (hopefully) nearly halfway through lockdown 2.0, and there’s no doubt everyone is feeling the struggle – especially with the dark, cold nights and mornings. So we thought we’d give you five tips on how to make your way through these next few weeks. 

  1. Balance

During lockdown 1.0, I think we were all a bit guilty of falling into bad habits – particularly if we were furloughed or unfortunately, made redundant. There’s nothing wrong with treating ourselves to a lazy day here and there, but it’s eventually not going to do our heads any favours. Set an alarm, prepare some balanced meals (I can’t be the only one who’s seen those scales creep up) and avoid sitting on that sofa all day. 

  1. Socialising

Quizzes might have been done to death during the last lockdown, but chatting to a friend or family member will never get tiring – whether it’s a text, DM, phone call or FaceTime. In fact, talking about our problems or ranting about what’s bothering us lately can reduce stress, physical and emotional distress and even strengthen our immune system (Pennebaker, Kiecolt-Glaser, & Glaser, 1988). Remember, we’ve all been finding this time hard to cope with, so make sure you check in on your loved ones regularly to make sure they’re okay too.

  1. Staying occupied

While social media can take over our lives, technology really can be a wonderful thing. Spotify, Netflix and the App Store are just a click away. Why not find a new podcast to listen to, or watch that series on Netflix everyone’s talking about? There’s lots of games you can play too just to pass some time and take yourself away from reality (I’ve been playing Among Us with friends a few nights a week, and it’s a real laugh).

  1. Get moving

It feels like our thumbs scrolling through social media is the only exercise we’re getting these days. And while it’s colder outside, it doesn’t mean we have to be stuck inside. It’s common knowledge that being outdoors or doing some exercise is great for our physical and mental health, and while motivation can be low sometimes, the end result is normally worth it. How about you wrap up warm, take out a hot drink, and meet a friend for a socially-distanced walk? Or if you want to do something that’s going to give you a challenge, how about trying something like 100k in 10 days? 

  1. You do you

The most important thing to do through this entire whirlwind of 2020 is look after yourself. Whether that requires a day of pampering or playing on your Xbox or Playstation with your friends, it could be just the ticket to making yourself feel better. You could even try something new, like making a dish for dinner you’ve never tried before, or some arts and crafts, which the family can get involved with too.

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